Disbursement of Funds

Maintenance accounts

Reserve – $2,500 ( for any fees that occur throughout the year)
Banquet – $1,000 (this number may be adjusted depending on # of gymnasts)
The above 2 accounts would always maintain the listed amount of money and be replenished immediately after use before any other distribution of funds.

Qualifying Gymnasts accounts

15% would then come off the top of funds raised for the year and placed in the listed groups and  split equally between the number of gymnasts qualifying for the meets:
1. JO Girls National/Western Fund – 7.5% 
2. JO Boys National/Western Fund – 7.5%

Competitive Gymnasts account

After applying money to the above accounts, remaining money will be distributed. A percentage of each gymnasts Team Dues and Meet Fees (TDMF) will be paid dependent upon the amount of remaining funds. Allotted funds will be given to Incline Gymnastics to distribute evenly among the competing gymnasts in each level. Gymnast start dates do not apply.

For example, based on a $10,000 account remaining after the first two sections are divvied out, each individual gymnasts will receive 8.15% of their TDMF paid. (This number is derived using the current number of participating JO gymnasts as well as the most current TDMF statements received from the Owners of Incline Gymnastics. )

The ultimate goal is to raise enough money to pay 100% of each gymnast’s TDMF!

Starting in 2019, distribution will occur in June and will later show as a line item credit deducted from the amount due on your TDMF sheets.